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Additional Libraries
Protect Backend

Protect Backend

In the backend the useSession hook is not available. But NextAuth provides another method to get the session if the user is logged in: getServerSession(). This method consumes three arguments: request, response and authOptions. request and response are available inside your handler function in the API Route. authOptions can be imported from your nextauth configuration file: /pages/api/auth/[...next-auth].js. Don't forget to import the method itself from "next-auth/react".


Take a look at the example implementation (opens in a new tab) on GitHub. Each step in this chapter is stored in a single commit.

Protect the POST route

Import method and config file

import { getServerSession } from "next-auth/next";
import { authOptions } from "../auth/[...nextauth]";
Make sure the import path of the authOptions is correct.

Inside the handler function get the session

export default async function handler(request, response) {
  const session = await getServerSession(request, response, authOptions);

Use the session to either send the data to the DB or not

 else if (request.method === "POST") {
  try {
    if (session) {
      const placeData = request.body;
      await Place.create(placeData);
      response.status(201).json({ status: "Place created" });
    } else {
      response.status(401).json({ status: "Not authorized" });
  } catch (error)  //{...}

Protect the GET Route

if (request.method === "GET") {
  try {
    if (session) {
      const places = await Place.find();
    } else {
      response.status(401).json({ status: "Not authorized" });
  } catch (error) //{...}

You can use an Early Return here as well:

export default async function handler(request, response) {
  const session = await getServerSession(request, response, authOptions);
  if (!session){
    response.status(401).json({ status: "Not authorized" });
  // do the requests...

You may have other API routes in your project as well, e.g. a dynamic route. Make sure to protect each route with a login as in the examples above or with an early return statement.