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Minimum Requirements

Minimum Requirements for the Capstone Project

Git / GitHub

  • Use of the Git workflow
  • Draft User Stories before starting each sprint
  • Use small commits
  • Every PR on GitHub should adhere to the code review guidelines
  • Merges should only happen after QA approval
  • Reviews of User Stories, PRs, and QAs are conducted by everyone!

Project Setup

  • Use the template and the GitHub Kanban board
  • Draft your User Stories before each sprint
  • Branches and PRs should reference User Stories



  • Functionality (does the app work?)
  • Mobile First Design (using iPhone SE with 375x667px as a guideline)
  • Clear and structured use of components, pages, hooks, and business logic
  • Understanding of the code and ability to explain the processes

Clean Code

  • Consistent naming conventions for variables, etc.
  • Meaningful and understandable variable names
  • DRY - Don't repeat yourself

Tech Stack

  • Next.js
  • CSS with Styled Components
  • Vercel Deployment